Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vidcast Key Assignment

Andrea Katter
EDEL 3250 – 02
Vidcast – Key Assignment
1.       “Awesome Classroom Workout with Andrea, Laura, Jessica, and Alisha”
2.      Health Education - Grade 2, Standard 1 –.Students will develop a sense of self, Objective 2 - Develop and apply skills in fine and gross motor movement
3.      My team and I decided that physical health and fitness would make for a great Vidcast.  With child obesity being a major problem in the United States, we felt that promoting movement and exercise in the classroom would not only be extremely beneficial to students’ health, but it would be fun and engaging as well.  Instilling a positive view on exercise and stressing healthy living habits to children as they are young, the more likely they are to maintain those habits in their futures.  Doing quick exercises in the classroom can demonstrate to kids that exercise can be fun, and establish that exercise and taking care of our bodies is vital to living healthy lives.
4.      One drawback that might be involved with this particular Vidcast is that it might be easy to lose control of students.  They might get wrapped up in the comical aspect of it and see it as an excuse to goof off.  Incorporating comedy into the classroom isn’t a bad thing, as long as it doesn’t overshadow the point or moral of the lesson or activity.
5.      One advantage of this Vidcast is that it is very flexible, so to speak.  You could easily adjust the material or exercises to properly fit the age or grade level of the children viewing it.  For younger grades, or even kindergarteners, you could do simpler exercises or stretches.  For the higher grades, you could incorporate more complex moves.  Another advantage is that exercise and healthy living is universal and timeless.  You could show a Vidcast, similar to this one, to any grade, at any school, at any time.

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