Thursday, April 21, 2011

Field Experience

The night before my first day of field experience, I was as nervous as can be.  I had a thousand thoughts racing through my head; “I hope the teacher likes me.  I hope the kids like me.  I hope my partner and I work well together.  What am I going to wear?  What will I teach?  What if I’m an awful teacher?  The moment my partner and I got to the school, we were welcomed with open arms.  The moment we met the students, a smile became glued to our faces that stayed there for three weeks straight.
My partner and I were able to teach a variety of different lessons under our Pioneer theme.  I was very pleased with what we came up with.  Our lessons were interesting, creative, informational, and engaging.  Our cooperating teacher, Mrs. Dixon, seemed to really like them.  She was also a huge help as far as providing us with great materials, fun suggestions, and insider tips that we can carry with us throughout the rest of our teaching careers.  We got the chance to help with and see our fourth graders’ Utah program, which was wonderful.  I learned more about Utah and Pioneers than I ever have before.
            At first, I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I could not have been more pleased with my field experience.  I actually was pretty stunned at how smoothly it all went.  I had an amazing partner, an amazing cooperating teacher, an amazing class, an amazing unit to teach.  I can't help but think that not everyone's field experience went as well as mine did, and I feel very lucky and thankful for getting to have the field experience that I did. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Beliefs

I am a big fan of technology in the classroom.  I believe that technology opens doors that otherwise would remain closed.  Just this year alone, I have been introduced to dozens of technology that benefits education and the learning process.  Google Docs is one of them.  It has completely changed collaboration and group work for me.  It makes it so easy and convenient.  Another example is the Smart Board.  The class I was in for my field experience had a Smart Board and I was blown away.  It accommodates all different types of learners, visual, verbal, kinesthetic, and otherwise.

I believe that all this new and exciting technology is something that is not going away.  It is here to stay.  Not only that, but it will stay and keep improving.  It will continue to get better, smaller, faster, easier, smarter, and more accessible.

However, with society becoming more and more technological, there are some things I don't think we should lose along the way.  There are things that could easily get overshadowed by all the new technological advances.  For example, I believe that kids should still know how to write a proper English paper (without the LOLs and the L8Rs) and how to write proper cursive and have nice handwriting.  As a future teacher, I plan on keeping a few of the "old school" educational practices while still benefiting from technology and using it to prepare my students for their bright futures.

Lessons Learned

The "Did You Know?" video really opened my eyes and got my brain's wheels turning.  I always find learning about other countries fascinating, and doing so in this technological context was no different.  All the information about China and India made me think, "Wow, I had no idea."  It's crazy to think of the different educational and technological levels different countries are on, and it was somewhat humbling to see where the in relation to those two countries.

I also learned a lot from the article, "The New WWW".  I knew that we lived in technology-centered society, but this article did a great job of just how technology-centered life is nowadays.  It put into very real terms just how fast and easy and accessible the world is.  I learned about ClassAct Portals and the different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom; WebQuests, classroom websites, etc.

I learned that the best way to stay on top of school technology is reading how successful school are doing it day in and day out.  I learned how important it is to prepare our students to live in this digital world.  One part in the video that stood out to me was the part that talked about how we're preparing kids for jobs that haven't even been created yet, and that we're training them to solve problems that aren't even classified as problems yet.  Incorporating technology into the classroom and introducing our students to the technology world and guiding them through it is extremely important.

Strengths & Weaknesses

As I was taking the UNI surveys, I noticed that I got the same answer for nearly every single question.  I am a technological apprentice, which I am happy about.  I like that I'm not technology-illiterate and that I can navigate my way through the Internet, Microsoft software, and other programs.  I feel like since I'm still a rookie in the education program, I haven't had much experience with planning or developing lessons that focus on technology and all its resources, but I believe I will have many opportunities to do so in the future.

I feel like I have mastered the basics of computer and the Internet and that I have built a solid foundation to further my knowledge and use of technology.  Also feel like I'm a creative person and I am/would be good at thinking of new, fun, interesting ways to incorporate technology into my lessons and future classroom. As far as my weaknesses, I have a hard time knowing what to do when things go wrong.  I always have to go to others if a program won't work or if I can't find a file. Also, I find Google (Docs, Sites, etc.) very innovative and fascinating and I would love to learn more about it.

I found an online tutorial about troubleshooting your computer.  It provides multiple steps you can do to get your computer working properly again; restarting it, checking the cables, etc.  It's got tips about the battery and different maintenance systems you can benefit from.  This will help me move past apprenticeship because once I learn how to troubleshoot, I no longer have to use other people as a resource, they will come to me as a resource.  I also found instructional videos for Google Docs, Google Forms, and all of Google's programs.  As I watch and learn from these, I will better know how to use each program.  Then, I will be able to know the best ways to mix Google into lessons and my career in education.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 March - Digital Stories 3

This week we learned about Creative Commons, which is an online resource that provides a free, public, and standardized infrastructure that creates balance between the reality of the Internet and the reality of copyright laws.

So What?
Creative Commons means the world to teachers.  It opens up the door as far as utilizing and benefitting from the Internet without dealing with harsh copyright laws.  Accessibility, productivity, and development are all greatly increased by this helpful site.  You can choose from their different licenses, depending on which elements you want, and use then for things you produce.

Now What?
Creative Commons will be extremely helpful to me as a future teacher.  When I create something, or if I assign my future students to create something, this site allows that work to be protected.  This site will help me in the future because it provides its users with a simple, easy way to work within the boundaries of copyright laws.  The creators of Creative Commons have done all the work for you so you can be creative and safe.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

3 March 2011 - Digital Story 2

This week in Instructional Media, we learned all about Copyright laws.

So What?
Copyright laws mean a lot to teachers and the education system.  They place many restrictions on what teachers can and cannot do or use.  We were introduced to this topic because it will effect us in our future teaching careers very often.  We need to learn about them now so that as we start planning and putting lessons together, we can stay within the bounds of Copyright and the law.

Now What?
Copyright laws will make it so I have to be an aware and creative teacher - aware as to what I can or cannot use, and creative as to coming up with new ideas of Copyright laws make it so I can't use or do something.  Learning about Copyright was extremely interesting to me.  I didn't know much about it before this week, but now I know that close to everything is illegal - even taking one of your DVDs over to a friend's house.  Now that I know about Copyright, I will do my part in following those rules, in the classroom or otherwise.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

24 February - Digital Stories Part 1

This week we were introduced to Digital Stories - what they are, what they're used for, and the different components that make up a Digital Story.

So What?
Digital Stories are a great, new way to present information.  Unlike an boring lecture or a dull PowerPoint, digital stories really draw students in.  A digital story is almost like a short film or a trailer.  Teachers and educators can use digital stories to tell all kinds of stories from all kinds of perspectives.  They incorporate many different sorts of media, mix it all together, and produce a fun, engaging, useful combination of images, music, sounds, and narration.  

Now What?
Digital Stories are very practical in the classroom. Teachers can present a digital story to their students to introduce/teach a new unit, or much like for this class, students can be assigned to make their own digital story to teach a subject.  This was of storytelling is especially useful for visual learners.  It tells them a story without requiring the students to have their nose in a textbook.  I'm excited to learn more about digital stories and look forward to mixing them into my own classroom.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vidcast Key Assignment

Andrea Katter
EDEL 3250 – 02
Vidcast – Key Assignment
1.       “Awesome Classroom Workout with Andrea, Laura, Jessica, and Alisha”
2.      Health Education - Grade 2, Standard 1 –.Students will develop a sense of self, Objective 2 - Develop and apply skills in fine and gross motor movement
3.      My team and I decided that physical health and fitness would make for a great Vidcast.  With child obesity being a major problem in the United States, we felt that promoting movement and exercise in the classroom would not only be extremely beneficial to students’ health, but it would be fun and engaging as well.  Instilling a positive view on exercise and stressing healthy living habits to children as they are young, the more likely they are to maintain those habits in their futures.  Doing quick exercises in the classroom can demonstrate to kids that exercise can be fun, and establish that exercise and taking care of our bodies is vital to living healthy lives.
4.      One drawback that might be involved with this particular Vidcast is that it might be easy to lose control of students.  They might get wrapped up in the comical aspect of it and see it as an excuse to goof off.  Incorporating comedy into the classroom isn’t a bad thing, as long as it doesn’t overshadow the point or moral of the lesson or activity.
5.      One advantage of this Vidcast is that it is very flexible, so to speak.  You could easily adjust the material or exercises to properly fit the age or grade level of the children viewing it.  For younger grades, or even kindergarteners, you could do simpler exercises or stretches.  For the higher grades, you could incorporate more complex moves.  Another advantage is that exercise and healthy living is universal and timeless.  You could show a Vidcast, similar to this one, to any grade, at any school, at any time.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

3 February - Podcasts

Last class, we learned about Podcasts. Yet ANOTHER thing I had no idea about.  We learned what they are, what their purpose is, and we even made our own podcasts.

So What?
Podcasts are incredibly beneficial - for teachers AND students.  Teachers can create fun assignments, like the one we did this week.  My partner Laura and I had so much fun making our own podcasts, and I'm sure many other groups enjoyed our assignment.  Students benefit from podcasts because if they miss and class and their instructor records the lesson on a podcast, they can listen to that podcast and still be on track with the rest of the class. Also, students can use other peoples' podcasts for research or further reference.

Now What?
Podcasts are another example of how technology is changing education.  They change communication between teacher and student completely.  Given, with podcasts, there is less face-to-face interaction, which is always important, but podcasts are still a fantastic way for students to learn and for teachers to teach.  In my opinion, podcasts might be more useful for college or higher level courses than they would be for elementary classes, as far as missing classes.  However, I think that podcasts can be extremely beneficial and fun in the classroom.  Now that I know what they are, I can see myself incorporating podcasts into my future lessons or activities.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

27 January - Google Part 2

This week, we started a new chapter in the Google handbook - sites.  This is yet another thing I had zero idea existed.  We learned how to create and manage our own classroom websites.

So What?
Google Sites completely change the way teacher interact with their students, parents, and even other classes.  Having a class website allows for your class to be more connected, anywhere, anytime.  Since the world is becoming more and more technologic, putting your class online couldn't be a better idea.  As a teacher, this means that I can give my students more information that can help them through my class (like assignments, announcements, resources, etc.) and I can provide parents with answers to questions they might have.  There are dozens and dozens of  useful pages I can incorporate into my site that greatly enhance and improve my class.

Now What?
I know personally, looking at a class site is the preferred way to answer questions.  If I need extra help or directions on an assignment or I need additional information on a subject, looking at a class website always helps me get back on track.  From a teacher's perspective, I can plan assignments that revolve around Google and all it's wonders.  I can provide my students with other website to help with homework, or I could put a calendar up so my students and their parents know what to expect or what they need to do.  I very much look forward to having and using my own, real classroom website.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

20 January - Google Part 1

This week, my eyes were opened to the Google universe as I learned about Google Docs, Presentations, Spreadsheets, and Forms.  Google Forms are my new favorite things.  I learned how to set up and manage my Google account, and how to create and use Google calendars.

So What?
The Google world completely changes how educators work.  Google opens multiple doors as far as communication and production for teachers; doors that have been closed until now.  Technology is getting more and more advanced, which is only turning out to be beneficial for the education world.  I have never seen anything like this before, and it absolutely inspires me as a future teacher.  Google has shed a new light on communication, in general.  Students can collaberate on one document at the same time using Google Docs, teachers can easily communicate with colleagues or students' parents, it's (in my opinion) pretty revolutionary.  All these Google tools (Docs, Forms, etc.) that I learned about this week are tools that I can easily see teachers, or future teachers like myself, using quite often to improve and contribute to the classroom.

Now What?
As I mentioned before, this new Google technology is very inspiring for me.  It makes me excited to become a teacher and use these tools in my classroom.  I can plan lessons and activites around these Google tools, lessons and activities that would not have been possible before Google technology.  This changes collaberation forever - collaberation between teacher and student, student and student, teacher and teacher, even teacher and parent.  To top it all off, it's FREE.  How can you possibly beat that?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

13 January - Introduction - Special Topics Post

Let's get to know me.

Hello there! I'm Andrea and I actually like school.  I think it's something I'm not terrible at, which is always nice.  I was the president of my elementary school, and I loved it!  In middle school, I was on the Dance Company, which is funny because now, I have zero dance skills.  High school was my very favorite.  I was in Spanish Club and the National Honor Society.  I was on the swim team...for about 2 weeks.  Those were the toughest, most exhausting 2 weeks of my life.  After I was able to feel my limbs again, I joined the A Cappella choir, which was perhaps the most fun things I've ever done. 

After graduating in 2008, I moved to Cedar City to go to Southern Utah University, where I received my Associate of Science degree last year.  I adored SUU, but now here I am - a UVU Wolverine.  I'm loving being a student here and working on getting my Bachelor's Degree.  It's quite exciting, if I do say so myself!

I've got a few other interestes besides school.  I LOVE cooking.  I love being in the kitchen.  I love watching the Food Network.  Along with cooking comes eating, which I also LOVE.  I have incredible friends, and one of our favorite things to do is watch movies.  I also really enjoy music, which is why I loved choir so much.  I've recently started going to music festivals, which has been wonderful, and I'm excited to go to a few more.